Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Poor Rick is still fretting over the gay issue. This week in Iowa he was on his curious rant once again..about that damn gay marriage stuff. He seemed particularly frightened about homosexual people possibly being seen as "equal" to heterosexual people. When a student challenged him, he expressed his big fear that schools would begin to teach that gay people were just like straight people. Oh My God.
What is it with this guy? He seems so far out of the loop with even the craziest of the crazy these days. Rick feels that gay marriage will cause America to "fall".....huh? Lots of gay people are getting legally married these days, and that doesn't seem to be affecting anything except for boosting self esteem, granting equal rights, and encouraging mental health.

I guess Ricky lost me when he compared homosexuality with bestiality. That was a doozy. I know Mr S. would repeal Don't Ask Don't Tell...another gem of nonsense from this strangely bigoted man, but I really do wonder what it is about gay folks that is so threatening to Rick. What will he do if one of his kids is gay?...oh wait, I think I know. He'd send him or her to Michelle Bachmann's husband's clinic where they pray the gay away....or from the images I've seen of Mr Bachmann they might return as drag queens or televangelists.

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