Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Hearing Dick Cheney slamming Obama just a few weeks after he received a new heart shocked me....slightly. For some reason or other I'd hope that having a second chance at life due to some unfortunate but generous gift from a fellow human being might somehow cause Mr. Cheney to embrace life in a more gentle and appreciative manner. During his speech last week, he called the current president "an unmitigated disaster". Those words and his general attitude brought back some very vivid memories of what I consider to be the disaster that was Bush/Cheney in this country.
The Supreme Court's decision to stop counting the votes in Florida and crown George and Dick was only the beginning. When the horror of September 11 nearly paralyzed the country...the new president and his powerful VP did the logical thing...started preparing for a war...but not with the country that attacked us. While Osama was nearly captured in Afghanistan, all the attention was switched over to Iraq. That war killed almost 4500 Americans...was based on lies, and resulted in uncounted suffering for Iraq.

If my memory is correct, it was Bush and Cheney who were so intent on the rich becoming richer, that the deregulated banking industry needed a massive bailout. The answer was to make sure the super rich had super tax cuts, while the wars cost trillions, and average Americans were loosing their shirts.

Throw in the images of the Katrina disaster..when the head of the relief and rescue operations did such a "heck of a job". Bush and Cheney seemed unconcerned while the poor and unfortunate citizens of New Orelans suffered and died. These guys were more concerned with tearing the fourth amendment apart....snooping into people's mail...illegal searches and wiretaps...looking for terrorists everywhere but in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan where they came from.

Cheney's secret deals with the energy companies, and the administrations record on the environment was deplorable. Health insurance skyrocketed, and the idea of any sort of universal public options that would help the poor was never even seriously considered. Mr Cheney and Mr Bush took very good care of that now famous 1%.

When I hear Mr Cheney continue to support torture..waterboarding in particular...I just shake my head. Torture is torture...and if our country does it to our enemies...our enemies will do it to us. I don't know why I thought that Dick Cheney would somehow spend the rest of his new gift of life with a new attitude, or at least a less abrasive one...but since he's obviously chosen to stick to his guns...(DUCK ! )...I 'm pretty sure I'm going to stick to mine. He's not getting off the hook.

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