Monday, April 9, 2012


My friend Kel can knows the name for every plant I've ever seen...and he can also tell you the Latin name. Mark can do the same thing but it's the knowledge eludes me. Kel lives north of me...and Mark grew up to the south of here, so we all deal with different planting and weather issues. I'm a risk palms and ferns have been shivering on our front porch for more than a month, as are two big potted geraniums that I've saved for a couple of years. All three will take some cold obviously. Should be dip below 32 in the next month or so I'll haul them inside for a respite.

Lots of stores are selling those big beautiful palms now, but if you buy one remember that they don't like direct sun at all, and they like to dry out between watering...people think of them as wanting just the opposite. Pansies are everywhere now...have you noticed? The newer types will almost always last through the winter if you buy them in the Fall, and the ones they're selling now will easily take any dips in the temperature.

Once again beware of pot sizes. Lowe's was selling 3 pansies in a six inch pot for 2.98, and the same pansies in a six pack for 1.88. More and more places, including the best nurseries are pushing the bigger no matter what I'm buying, I'm searching for six packs or at least a four pack. They'll all look alike when they go into the garden.

As much as I like to jump the gun on Spring planting, and in spite of the box stores especially looking like it's's still TOO EARLY ! I'll be chomping at the bit for the next few weeks, but rather than getting those disapproving looks from Kel and Mark, I'll be planting most things in the garden by the 20th of this month. So there.

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