Tuesday, June 19, 2012


We had one of those old 45 record players with the big fat center tube that would repeat a song. When my brother was about 4 or five he'd ride his hobby horse like a maniac for an entire afternoon while the song "Witchdoctor" played over and over and over....and Aunt Katie would be right next to him...ironing. She had the patience of a saint..usually. Other times she'd be overseeing my mother making something in the kitchen and say ' My God woman...that's not how you do that! " She loved all of our dogs..and when any of the relatives lost one she would cry and say that she'd never get close to another animal again....then you'd see her with the new puppy on her lap.
When I graduated from Duquesne I landed a teaching job in Los Angeles. As I was making plans to drive across country, Aunt Katie asked if I'd like some company. I said sure, and the two of us drove three thousand miles together.in a VW bug. She was in her seventies at the time, and when I'd suggest we stop for the night she'd often say we ought to keep driving a little while longer. She also flew back home...first flight in her life.

Upon arriving at my school assignment...and first real job, she came in to meet the principal with me. Before I even had a chance to sit down in his office, she spoke up. " Now do you realize how lucky you are to be getting my nephew to work for you?" He kinda stumbled a bit and then said yes..and Aunt Katie said something about how things would probably work out fine.

Now these are just a few memories of mine about a really big personality in my life ( Aunt Katie was actually about 5' 1".) Every one of my cousins have their own memories of course, and we have great times sharing them. We do still wonder if Aunt Katie really did chase an escaped monkey around Waldameer park when it was trying to grab cousin Janet's skirt. Being that I once saw her use a broom to sweep a garter snake off the porch...I tend to think she probably handled that monkey too.

It's interesting that Aunt Katie never had a lot of things that we all seem to value in our own lives. No spouse, no beautiful home, no nice things, hand me down coats, no car, just enough money to get by, but man, what a rich life. and what a legacy.

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