Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I have a couple of questions that I would like to hear the presumptive republican candidate for president answer. What would Mitt Romney do about the war in Afghanistan? Would he close the Guantanamo detention camp? Does he still consider transporting a dog on the roof of a car to be an acceptable way to travel? Is he serious about "getting rid" of Planned parenthood? Would he try to reinstate the " Don't Ask Don't Tell" military policy? Would he do anything to deny equal marriage laws in the country? Did he think it was the right thing to do for the US to attack Iraq? Was that preemptive war worth all the American blood and treasure? What would he do about Syria...and Yemen...and Iran? Does he believe that a twelve year old girl who is raped by an escaped psychotic criminal should not be allowed to terminate a pregnancy? What would he do to reform the health care system if he replaced "Obama Care" ?
Now perhaps he has already answered some of these questions, but I'm not certain about what his responses were. I think a lot of independent voters may be unsure of his stances as well. Jobs and the economy and tax cuts are all important....but so are these issues, at least for a guy like me.

1 comment:

  1. Great questions, uncle Dick!

    As president, we know Mitt Romney would not be able to enact the policies on this issues he would like at a wave of his hand, unless he utilizes executive order a tremendous amount like our current president, rendering our legislative system inferior and obsolete, something we as Americans should absolutely no longer stand for!

    But anyway, I'd like to provide an answer on how we, (you me and every other Pennsylvania voter) can prevent: more wars, closings of planned parenthood, restrictions on gay rights, etc. We need to ensure the US senate and House remain in Democratic hands or at least divided right down the middle. Currently, the house is GOP dominated and the Dems hold a slight edge in the Senate.

    In PA, Tom Smith is running for US Senate against Pro-Choice, Anti-War Bob Casey. A victory for Smith means the Senate becomes vulnerable of falling into GOP control. Also, in our House District, long-time and well-disliked Representative Tim Murphy is running against Larry Maggi, a Dem from Washington County. Honestly, who in their right mind, Rep. or Dem., likes Tim Murphy at all?

    These are two races we need to make sure are highly contested and brought to as many people's attention. Sure, its not as glamorous as a national campaign for president, but its congress that makes so many decisions that affect our lives daily, and we want people who will advocate our best interests to serve in congress.

    So, who cares what the moderate mormon stands for? He's a centralists, make-everyone-happy sort of guy; a very likeable and electable quality. Don't waste your time pouring money and time into the Presidential race, there's already a sickening amount in it.
