Thursday, July 26, 2012


So we have the most unpopular congress in history. The last poll I saw had them at a seven percent approval rating...which is pretty much the same as Satan's. Not that I can prove that last one, but after all he does have a cute tail. When Mitch McConnell announced that he would lead his party with the single goal of making Barrack Obama a one term president, the writing was on the wall....almost four years ago. The right wing of the Republican party quickly rallied around that goal, and there's no way that their constant filibusters were good for this country. When they fought to the very last minute to stop the country from paying it's bills, they caused considerable damage to the whole nation.
The Republican party that my family belonged to for most of our lives is long gone. When I was younger I voted for both democrats and republicans, making my choice according to their policies and their records, and even today I try to vote for the best candidate, not for the party. While there are certainly some whacko democrats, the republican party is loaded with them. People like Michelle Bachmann...Christine O'Donnell ( "I am not a witch")...Rick Santorum..John Boener...Dick Cheney...Rumsfiled...Wolfowitz...Pearl...
Governor Corbett....Governor Ultra-sound.

Rick Perry...(would send troops back to Iraq)...Sarah Palin (who thought Iraq was responsible for 9-11). I'm sure I'm missing some.

Last night there was a ray of hope with the tax bill...followed by a news

segment about Corbett cutting the General Assistance program that gives sick people about 200.00 a month while they're temporarily unable to work because of an injury...or waiting for total disability payments. His gas drilling czar who can overturn any communities laws about drilling comes from the oil industry.

I thought congress represented us? I guess part of the problem is that we don't tell them what we want and what we don't want. Until we find our voice and take the five minutes to call our "representative" they'll just continue to do what's best for THEM not for US. We all think that our one voice doesn't matter, but if everyone who's reading this now would call, write, or send an email to their own representative....someone would notice...and maybe something would change. How's about banning assault call versus the NRA...( the MOST powerful lobby in Congress)...might be ignored...

hundreds and thousands might be another story. Saint Francis said that it's better to light one little candle that to simply curse the darkness. Light your candle.

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