Friday, May 4, 2012


Dear Kids who just might be gay,
With so many adults sending you messages that might either scare you or at least help to ruin your day, here's one that's a whole lot different. When the preacher said last week that parent's should physically hurt their kids if they think they're gay...he's a fool, and he's also guilty of encouraging child abuse.

There are lots of people like him unfortunately, and a lot them are in churches, where they speak about hatred instead of teaching you about love.

Lots of our political leaders are also fools, especially when they fight against giving only straight people the right to marry whomever they chose to marry. I hope one day you will also listen to your heart, and not to any one of the bullies in the world who would tell you any differently.

When I was a kid I was afraid to get in touch with who I really was. I was afraid first of all about whether it was even true or not. I liked girls...jeeze I think I went to nine proms altogether...really. I wanted to be like everybody else and get married and have kids...and I almost did that, but that wasn't the truth for me. I didn't want to say I was gay...because for one thing...I wasn't even sure.

The other thing that terrified me was that I'd lose the people who loved me. Now who in their right mind would want to do that. I really didn't want to hurt anybody, but finally figured out that by not being honest, I was already hurting people.

Things changed right after college for me. Several older adults spoke to me about honesty, and aligning oneself with the truth...always the truth. I realized that I could indeed marry one of the amazing women in my life..whom I STILL love with all my heart, but that really wasn't honest, truthful, or fair. I also kept thinking that I'd be swimming up stream my whole life.

I was scared to death the first few times I said those two (originally six) words..." I think I might be gay." whew. My Mom and Dad were shocked, but supportive, my 13 year old brother was disappointed that my "news" wasn't bigger...and my best friends...especially the straight ones reacted with more love and understanding than I'd ever dreamed of. All of this was a whole lot tougher than it sounds, but the truth and the honesty really set me free.

So if you struggle with being who you are, take your time, think about what's really true, and then reach out to someone you love and trust. If that person is hard to find...don't give up. There are kind and wonderful, and gentle people who will help you, support you, and love matter what. Don't let the voices of hatred, intolerance, and condemnation direct your sail. There is a beautiful and calmer sea of love out there, right around the next bend.


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