Monday, May 14, 2012


Tony Perkins from the Family Research Council is just beside himself these days. When the president announced his support for same sex marriage Tony started appearing on all the talk shows, which I expected. What I didn't expect were some of his theories on what makes people gay. He was asked what he'd do if one of his own kids came to him and said that he or she was gay. Tony said that "first of all, that's not likely to happen". I would imagine that's actually true...who the hell would want to come out to this guy? If he had a gay offspring, they'd probably choose to  waste their life in the closet... ashamed and terrified of what the truth would unleash in the Perkins' family. A gay Perkins kid might also just get married to someone of the opposite sex to either wait out this homosexual "phase" or to keep the peace...oblivious to how much pain ensues from gay people towing the "straight" line in heterosexual marriages.
Tony went on to say that his kids wouldn't be gay because they've been raised correctly. When Barney Frank asked him if he then believed that Dick Cheney and his wife did something wrong...and thus produced a lesbian daughter...Tony sputtered a little. ( Now I have to admit that seeing Dick Cheney and Barrack Obama on the same page about marriage equality seems more than a little weird to me.) What an insult to any parents of gay say that it was their "fault" that their son or daughter is gay. The son of an

ex-marine who grows up in the most "manly" environment is just as likely to be gay as is the one who grows up with his Dad sewing sequins on his Halloween costume. When I was about 12 I overheard my Dad telling my Mom that he wouldn't mind me wanting to give up my swimming lessons because they interfered with my baseball games....but he knew I wanted out of the pool because it interfered with my square dancing. So come ON now! I don't kneel down and say my prayers at night as often as I used to, but when I do I absolutely beg God and all the saints in heaven to bless people like Tony Perkins and Rick Santorum with the gayest, most outrageous, over the top, drag queens and dykes on bikes that the world has ever seen...sort of like Michelle Bachman's know Marcus...aka The Swiss Miss...when he prances around like a 300 pound butterfly...if he's not busy at his clinic helping gay guys to "butch it up". Give me a break.

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