Thursday, May 10, 2012


WELL WELL WELL....Yesterday was certainly an historical one. Hearing the President of the United States say that he thinks gay people ought to have ALL the same rights as straight people meant much more than many people may think. Most important from my place in the world...and from the work that I validates every gay man or woman who struggles with self acceptance.
Just as the election of an African American president made EVERY kid in this country believe that they might one day hold that office, this is a message to everyone who ever falls in love that one day they might be able to actually get "hitched". There is still a long way to go...but this is a very significant start.

I loved watching the anti-equal rights folks going crazy last night...and can't wait to see more of them going ballistic today. One of those Bible thumpers from Pittsburgh had his Holy Book open yesterday...with "God's words" about a man lying with another man underlined. Somehow he kinda skipped over the lines about not eating shellfish, or stoning unfaithful wives, or keeping slaves.

I guess God just sorta whispered those things while He shouted the others.

The President took one small but courageous step it's our take the giant ones to ensure equality for all mankind. Remember friends don't let friends vote for people who hurt their friends...Speak up..just like that Muslim, socialist, Kenyan did.

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