I don't like to visit battlefields, war memorials, or places
like Arlington. All of those white crosses that stretch as far as the eye can
see just crushes my spirit. Somehow all that suffering overwhelms me. I grew
up watching the body bags coming back from Vietnam, and went to school with a
lot of the guys who died there...part of the fifty thousand.
I guess I'm pretty much of a pacifist...although that tends
to be seen as a dirty word. Although Ghandi, and Jesus and their likes spoke of
the peacemakers as being blessed, my views of war are often portrayed as
cowardly or at least unrealistic and naive. It just seems that after all these
thousands of years, and millions of deaths, that the world ought to be able to
find better ways to solve conflicts that to kill one another. Maybe the lessons
we learned in kindergarten about not hurting other people were the most
important ones that were ever taught. Too bad we didn't pay better
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