Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Maybe 2012 will be the year when justice is served to several people who have never been brought to trial. There are at least three people who are absolutely guilty of very serious crimes against humanity. Together they have destroyed families, killed innocent people, ruined the dreams of thousands of children, and lied about what they were actually doing.
These three were able to start this murderous adventure by bypassing congress and convincing many Americans that our own country might suffer a deadly nuclear attack unless we attacked a sovereign country that was linked to the attacks on 9-11.

These three were able to convince far too many young Americans that their country needed them to avenge the destruction caused by Osama Bin Laden by fighting an insurgency in Iraq. Many of those young people came back home in coffins, while thousands of others have horrendous injuries both physical and mental.

Nearly seventy percent of Americans say this war wasn't worth the cost in lives or in money....but it happened...and it could happen again. While Bush, Cheney and Rumsfield travel the country speaking and promoting their books, countless families either struggle every day to "recover" from what these three orchestrated, or they visit a grave. I think they need to answer more than a few questions, and perhaps their answers would bring a sense of justice for 67 percent of us....and maybe land the three of them where they belong.

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