Monday, January 23, 2012

"Whose sins you shall forgive....."

I've heard about more sins during the current GOP campaigns than I did in all my twelve years of Catholic education. JEEZE ! Newt's daughters from his first wife are out there trying to protect his third wife from things that his second wife is saying. Newt and one or the other of them used to meet at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception to hook up while he was still married. Newt also brought back his version of the Inquisition as he charged after Bill Clinton for fooling around with Monica, while having a sinful affair himself.
Rick Santorum has already made every gay person in the world as well as anyone who likes any gay person in the world absolutely hate him, and still stands squeaky clean in that ugly gray sweater vest saying the word "family" about a million times in every sound bite. I'm SO sorry....but watching him and his family on Piers Morgan the other night...they just seemed unusual. Maybe it was the tale of bringing home the dead baby for the children to hold...(Mrs S. said that was so they could have a funeral Mass...but since when was it a requirement that the body of the deceased had to be brought home first?). Maybe the fact that Rick met his wife just after she ended her six year sinful relationship with an abortion doctor who was forty some years older than her...and who in fact had delivered her....No?....what about her own induced labor to save her life....kinda like a terminated pregnancy.?
Add to this the sad end of Joe Paterno's life. Sandusky certainly seems to have been the BIG sinner, but lots of people including Joe have been given their Penance.
Growing up a Catholic, we were always able to get off the hook by going to confession...and being sorry...and promising not to sin again. ( Of course we could always find the new assistant priest who didn;t speak very good english...or the old one who really couldn't hear ). I suppose adultery, murder, cheating, lying and God knows what else can also be forgiven, but hearing some of those pompous voices out there telling gay people, especially gay kids, that they are sinners, and somehow less equal human beings...kinda makes me wonder. Just whose sins are forgiven...and whose are retained.?

1 comment:

  1. Not one of the GOP candidates are worth the time of day. I wish I had more time to say what is really on my mind, but will reserve that for a latter date. I praise you for having the williness to get this kind of message out to people and hope they read your messages and get out and vote so these types of morons don't ever get into the White House.
