Monday, February 6, 2012


Several months ago SIXTY MINUTES did a segment about insider trading in congress. It was a real eye opener, and both the democrats and the republicans were pretty well nailed. Seems the information that congress is privy to provides tips that generate a lot of money in the stock market. They interviewed a member of congress who had introduced a bill to stop the practice, but he'd had no luck getting anyone to sponsor it. Well, in the State of the Union address the president talked about the insider trading and his plan to prohibit it, and the congress actually was able to pass the bill. Funny that once the public heard about it there was enough pressure to actually do something.
The Komen/Planned Parenthood battle was pretty much resolved last week when once again the people spoke...flooded the offices with their protests, and sure enough. the controversial decision was reversed. In the same vein, the PIPA and SOPA ( about on line piracy ) bills in congress were stopped in mid stream when the public got involved and their voices were heard.

The "Arab Spring" was and continues to be about the people speaking up about wrongs that they want to make right. Major changes in many countries are only happening because the citizens are taking to the streets...not just SOME citizens...but almost ALL the citizens.

My feathers get ruffled any time Dick Cheney emerges to snarl out his ongoing defense of the war in Iraq. He sticks to his guns and says that "everyone' believed that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, hence we had to attack Iraq. I marched in the snow with 5000 people in Pittsburgh who didn't believe it, and millions of others all over the world agreed. Now lots of people never liked that war, and I wonder if ALL of them had taken to the streets.......?

Writing one letter to a congressman or congresswoman might seem insignificant, but millions of letters can't be easily ignored. I never underestimate the value of an email to Washington. With all the controversy surrounding the OCCUPY movement one thing is clear. Because of it, the conversation turned to money, and how much it determines everyone's future. I don't think their protests were in vain. They started an inportant discussion in this country.

On a lighter note...since my favorite people to pick on are Ricky Santorum and Dickie Cheney...Wanda Sykes said once that she told her two little girls that if two cars should stop and ask them to get in....and there was a stranger in one car and Dick Cheney in the other...they should get into the car with the stranger.

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