Wednesday, February 15, 2012


With Rick Santorum's meteoric rise in the GOP race, I guess it would be wise to start making some preparations. No doubt there will be major changes for a great many of us come next January. Mr. S. has already made it clear that he will re-instate " Don't Ask Don't Tell", so all the gay service men and women who have come out of the closet this year will simply have to go back in...and everyone involved will just have to pretend that nobody heard or said anything. Rick says that straight soldiers might "feel uncomfortable" being around gay soldiers, sort of like some people feel uncomfortable with interracial marriages.
Mr. S.will no doubt also work hard to overturn and nullify any gay marriages that have occurred recently. (forget those man on dog comments...that was just to make a point.) He feels that if people like me and my partner of 30 years were to be officially married all of society would be threatened....Huh?
Women ought to be prepared to give up their careers and stay home where they belong...Rick tries to pin that position on the soon to be first lady, but I think he really believes the same thing. He did write that in his book.
Young people will no longer be able to be on their parent's insurance policy, and if you have a pre-existing condition, good luck getting insurance. Actually since Mr. S. also plans to start a war with Iran, I'd expect lots of young kids to be shipping out to the battle lines again. Birth control will be a thing of the past and since He feels that sex is only okay if the goal is procreation...(really?) We all know that birth control is also the real cause of the problems with Social Security. The world really needs more people, we all know that too. Rick has always pushed to tie S.S. with the stock market...the market lose your shirt..that's all. Suck it up.
All in all, I guess things won't be too bad...unless you happen to be gay, sick,female, non-Catholic, or young. Dig out your Dad's old sweater vest and Hail to the Chief !

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