Wow...we gay folks are getting a break for awhile...the GOP
is picking on women this go round. Between what one woman called the "cranky old
celibate bishops" and Rick Santorum as the standard bearers, and the wacky
governors with their ultrasounds and probes swelling the ranks, you women out
there had better start taking to the streets. It seems like a century ago that
Hillary was talking about breaking through that glass dome for women's equality.
Now we have all male panels discussing women's health, while Rick Santorum wants
to take females back to the middle ages.
To add insult to injury, just take a glance at the Limbaugh
attacks. Don Imus was sent packing for a nasty comment about Rutgers' girls
basketball team, Issah Washington gets the boot for a three letter word, but
that nasty and hateful walrus attacks Sandra Fluke for three days and he's still
spouting his venom because there are too many Republicans who either agree with
him or are too afraid to say that they don't. Remember when the gay soldier was
booed at one of the GOP debates and none of the candidates said a
These are "Stonewall" times for women....time to raise your
voices and say NO! Allowing people like Rush Limbaugh to bully one young woman
from Georgetown also allows him to attack every woman in this country. Letting
these whack job politicians and holier than thou men of the cloth invade and
control your bodies is preposterous. Silence implies complicity, and activism
begins with anger. Of course I don't speak for the whole gay community, but a
vast majority of us would gladly join you in your battle. It's
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