Friday, March 16, 2012


I don't understand why certain people still support the Republican party. Why any gay man or woman would vote for any of the current candidates while they all repeatedly state that they would not support marriage equality for gay couples, how they are against any gay or lesbian couple adopting children, and how they would re-instate "Don't ask Don't tell" and resume discharging qualified men and women who have volunteered to serve their country, is beyond me.

Why would anyone who thinks that women have a right to choose whether or not they want to become pregnant, or at least want a VOICE about their own bodies vote for one of these candidates? There was legislation proposed yesterday in Arizona that would require a woman to prove that she needed birth control pills for a health condition and not contraception before she could get a script, while women in Maryland as well as here in Pennsylvania will be forced to have procedures to shame them if they choose not to have a child. How could any woman support people who are pushing for these things?

Why would anyone who embraces the words " Blessed are the peacemakers" vote for trigger happy men who are chomping at the bit to kill thousands of people in Iran...because they MIGHT have evil intentions. How can they sit in the front pews and sing "Let there be peace on Earth and let it begin with me"?

How could anyone who relies on the government to feed and house them vote for people who would attempt in some way to force them out into the cold...or deny them medical care because of their pre-existing condition..."let them die" was the response at one GOP debate.

How could a college kid who graduates and needs health insurance from his or her parents for several more years vote for a party that wants to eliminate that insurance?

Sometimes when I ask someone why they don't want Obama in the Whitehouse, they'll say..."There's just something about him...." If it's not the war, or the economy, or the environment, or taxes....I wonder what it is....could it possibly be the color of his skin? "No of course not....I'm on the church diversity committee...but did you ever notice how dark he looks sometimes?". Hmmm.

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