Wednesday, March 14, 2012


My my my what a wonderful day! I start waiting for Spring on December 26 every year. I look forward to a couple of snowdrops around the end of January, and crocus at the end of February....but no long wait this year. The crocus are almost finished, as are the snowdrops, and the daffodils are opening all over the city, and have been for a week. I generally count on daffodils around April 1, and even then it's often not until mid April when they're in full sail.
A week or so ago I was complaining (again) about what a long "pre-Spring" we were felt like we ought to be turning the calendar to April instead of March, as it seemed like 70 degree weather ought to be right around the corner. Guess what..

Woof and I are busy as beavers in the garden...planting pansies and primroses along the winding paths. The grass is ready for mid-March...while the image of the St Patrick Day parade in the snow one year is just a long ago memory. I remember planting in my garden once on the first of April...and then the disappointment when it snowed two weeks later. I felt that I'd really learned a BIG lesson that year...and I might be unlearning it all over again. It's TOO early...It's too early.

Whatever this is all about...I love it, my dog loves it, my partner comes home from work with the roof down, everyone is grilling outside. the cushions are back on the porch I really awake?

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