Tuesday, March 13, 2012


It's very easy to think that one voice can't make any difference...can't change anything. In many cases that's true....but there are many other times when it isn't. There is tremendous power when voices join together...witness the backlash against Rush Limbaugh after his nasty attack on the young woman from Georgetown. Every person who sent an email, made a phone call, signed a petition, or otherwise expressed their protestation about this kind of verbal assault made a difference. Make your opinion heard!

When the priest in Maryland refused to give Communion to a lesbian at her mother's funeral, there was a public outcry. I certainly opened my big mouth about that disgraceful bigotry as did many others. It was announced yesterday that he has been relieved of his post at the church. One more homophobe bites the dust. If no one had spoken up once again..nothing would have happened. Every voice of protest was heard.

Public protest was a big factor in ending the Vietnam war, and while thousands of us marched in the streets against the Iraq invasion, there weren't enough of us. If the sixty percent of Americans who don't support the war in Afghanistan were to take to the streets, and the news every night was about the protests in city after city, the war would end...and the boy down the street would be sure to arrive back home alive.

Kudos to those who speak up and raise their voices for peace and justice. Whether that's the kids on the Joseph Kony campaign that seeks to end his reign of terror, or those folks who contact their representatives when they sense injustice, or those who tirelessly march for equality and freedom. Spread the word, raise your voice, and never think that you don't matter. Together if we hunger and thirst for justice, and never ever give up hope, change will eventually come. Speak up.

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