She prances and dances down the street with me and we pass
first the new neighbors who fight a lot and watch different programs on
different tv sets on different floors. Sometimes our Polish neighbor whom we met
by sharing a little mountain of mushroom compost one Spring and who whistles all
the while he works in his pristine vegetable garden. He waves hello with a big
"Hi!" to Woof and we keep moving. As we round the corner at the bottom of the
street we can hear the chatter from the outdoor diners at the Italian
restaurant...people love the BYOB idea there and they bring a lot. We can smell
the garlic in the air and Woof would love to stop in...but we keep moving
towards her favorite rest stop...the corner Donut shop. The owner is a boxer
lover who drops whatever she's doing when she sees us and runs out to hug my
dog...not me.
On those times when someone different is working Woof is
inconsolable. I try to explain about people having time off, but she still
doesn't get it.
We pass the house where the Jack Russell jumps against the
front window, the house that kept their Christmas lights up until February, the
house that the family lost and had to move away with their little boy and their
big dog that was Woof's good friend...and we both feel bad.
In twenty minutes Woof and I have discussed the elections,
world peace, and why my partner forgot to put the ham in the oven on Sunday.
We're back home in about twenty minutes, I'm ready to watch Rachel, and Woof is ready to put her pajamas on. All's right with the world.
sounds like it's therapuetic for both of you!